Openlike Verklaring


Afrikaans English Sepedi Sesotho Setswana tsiVenda isiXhosa isiZulu



The Synod meeting of the Reformed Churches of South Africa openly and each member for himself declare as follows:

We wholeheartedly believe in the Triune God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who reveals himself in Scripture. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Head of the church and that He rules his church through His Word and Spirit. We wholeheartedly and with good conscience accept the Three Creeds of Unity that were accepted at the Synod of Dordt 1618-1619 the doctrine of Dordt, namely the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession of Faith and the Canons of Dordt. We promise to uphold this truth through the merciful guidance and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit according to God’s Word.

We accept the liturgy determined by the Canons of Dordtrecht for our services, as they were ammended upon by the National Synods of the Reformed Churches in South Africa.

In church governance we maintain the Canons of Dordtrecht, accepted in 16181619 and amended by the National Synods of the Reformed Churches in South Africa.

We as a meeting declare that we strive for true shared unity, and that we as body of Christ confess the true faith to the world. All who have received the same precious faith through the merciful work of the Holy Spirit, and who want to uphold it with us, are wholeheartedly called to ecclesiastical communion.

Our wish is to have the closest communion of faith and ecclesiastical correspondence with all those church communities who profess the same as we do.

May the Lord in his mercy grant that many will accept his Word through the work of the Holy Spirit. May all the elected be called as true believers and be united in one ecclesiastical community.

It is our wish and prayer.

(Acta 1863:8, Acta 2009:498).